Welcome to Skidbyrån,

a business which is driven by the joy of skiing and wants to share that feeling! What joy means in skiing differs from rider to rider and that is a part of our task, to find out what feeling you want to have while going down the slopes and give you that. We could give you tips and advices for how to ski more stable, safe, fast, aggressive or the way you want to ski. Either we do it in the piste or just beside in the off-piste or we go for a real experience in the backcountry, for ski touring or heli skiing. Please have a look at our pictures and short films to get some inspiration.

Skidbyrån is based in Funäsdalen and Kalle who runs the business knows the area as the back of his hand. That enables us finding the best spots for the day concerning your wishes and abilities as well as weather and snow conditions. The offer is primarily for groups of friends or colleagues but if you have another wish of composition or place please contact us and we will try to find a solution.

Foto av Göran Assner